To identify affordable and technically feasible net zero technologies and build capacity in the home building industry.
To educate at least 20 homebuilders across Ontario on the selected net zero technologies to facilitate adoption.
Test and incorporate at least one technology with each homebuilder, resulting in at least 40 demonstration homes.​
Celebrate our innovative builder partners to benefit their reputations.
EnerQuality Corporation
EnerQuality Corporation (www.enerquality.ca) is the market leader in green building programs. Founded in 1998 as a partnership between the Ontario Home Builders' Association and the Canadian Energy Efficiency Alliance, EnerQuality's mission is to transform Ontario's housing into the most energy efficient and sustainable in the world.
buildABILITY Corporation
buildABILITY has mentored change in the homebuilding industry for more than 30 years. buildABILITY has worked with builders, governments, manufacturers, utilities, and associations, facilitating the adoption of new technologies and processes, assisting with the adaption to new building requirements, and helping our clients change to become top competitors and leaders. For more information on buildABILITY’s projects visit www.buildability.ca.
​Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO)
The IESO operates Ontario’s power grid 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, ensuring Ontarians receive a reliable and cost-effective source of power when and where they need it. It works with sector partners and engages with communities across Ontario to plan and prepare for the province’s electricity needs now and into the future. Visit www.ieso.ca for more information.